The Best Bloggers Network Blog Tour! 
Hosted by: Tour de Blogg - your premier blog tour service. Check out more great blogs and meet new friends. Authors can visit blogs that suits them to get more reviews and publicity.
At A Literary Perusal, we are 4 girls sharing our love of books and authors through our weekly Author "In the Spotlight" feature. Our goal is to help authors spread the word whether it's focused on the author's existing book(s) or an upcoming release. We enjoy promoting our favorite authors and finding new ones. If you would like spend a week In The Spotlight, please feel free to contact us. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Welcome to the magical world of the nerdy mind! Us at Booky Ramblings just love a good damn book to much and feels awfully selfish and greedy not to share with you all! A book may not have pictures but the beautiful word within brings out our own imagination and creativity. Us bookworms always go to bed with a sexy book...oh yes....these hunks are just irresistible and keep you up all night.... Keep a eye out for our lovely recommendations, sexy giveaways and popping eye candy pics on your page. We love a sexy feel free to share your hunk of man with us at Booky Ramblings...The library is never enough books for us nerdy minds... All of our ramblings are purely our personal opinion. That's all folks. _______________________________________________________________________________________
My name is Maggie and I run Entirely Books. I started blogging to share my passion of books. For me books are my daily distractions from life. I believe everyone needs an outlet, a place or thing to just get away. Well if you like to read then Entirely Books is the place for you to find that outlet, a place to find new authors other bloggers and of course books to immerse yourself in. _________________________________________________________________________________________________
We always kiss and tell after reading our romance novels! _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews: This blog features most genres of fiction books. I am dedicated to promoting talented authors and their stories. With multiple daily posts which include lots of variety, there is usually something for everyone. Many featured authors also offer special incentives and/or giveaways, so there are always opportunities to win free loot. I try to keep my blog easy to read and navigate. I hope you will visit soon! ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Lost in Romance Books blog, was created to showcase amazing indie authors and their books. I also pair it with facebook Ma Review Books and FB page Lost in Romance Books. I offer beta reading, book reviews, author interviews, promotional blogging, and participate in blog tours. As my blog line says: For those of us who love to read and often get lost in romance books…. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Concupiscent Bibliophile offers smart talk about smut. I try to write the kind of reviews that would help me connect with a new great book, or help me decide whether to read a book I was curious about. I try to apply a level of critical thinking and a sex-positive thoughtfulness to the books I read and review in the romance and erotica genres. I love helping authors gain exposure and connect with new readers. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Wicked Book Addict's Reviews: Something wicked this way comes...My only addiction is books and I'm proud of it. I'm a self-appointed book reviewer, who reads and reviews books of all genres but especially romance/erotica. I recognize and admire hard work of indie authors nonetheless my reviews are always honest. I love to share my thoughts with others so here I am. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
*Contemporary.....suspenseful.....romantic.......spicy! Necessary ingredients for a 'ripe' read! Take an insatiable hunger for reading, a hankering for certain genres and add to that a demanding taste in quality end up with a book review blog. That's what happened about six months ago, when my hobby became my volunteer job and my passion. My focus is constructive reviews, promotion of new releases and promising new authors and suggestions for affordable quality reading.* _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dirty Books, Dirty Boys: We are 3 dirty girls who love dirty books and dirty boys. We love to read, review, and pimp authors and their books. Seldom does a day go by without us discussing books. We know how to make each other laugh, especially about erotic books. We often agree on the books that we read, but not always. We do love the HEA’s, however we are tough enough to read books that have cliffhangers, well sometimes. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
In May of 2013 we thought it would be fun to start doing book reviews and to put up a blog where we could post our dual points of view of the books we love as a husband and wife team. We were soon joined by our good friend of ours. Between the three of us we are able to review and share a wide variety of books in almost all genres. _________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Kinky Book Klub is home to reviews, cover reveals, blog tours and giveaways, sharing with you the best in Kinky Books. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Say What? Savannah Mae: Sharing the Good News of Authors and Books You May Know Nothing About! Stop by for book reviews, author publicity and lots of good stuff! Monthly book giveaways, flash social media giveaways and a monthly newsletter. The hottest book blogger around with lots to say! ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Say What? Savannah Mae Kids: Book reviews and author publicty for kids books. Ages from Pre-k all the way to teen/young adult! Come check out family friendly books for your kids!
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